
MOVIE REVIEW: “Abejoye Season 4 Episode 2,” produced by Mount Zion and Flaming Sword



Reviewed by Ajibare Abioye

You’re welcome to the second part of my reviews for Abejoye Season 4, the last article on this blog in 2020. We thank God for His preservation, protection and presence. I pray that year 2021 will mark greatness for us all in Jesus name.

Ajibare Abioye

I’d like to commend the recap of previous episodes in this Season. I remember feeling that the one for Shackles 2 didn’t really capture all the key points in Part One, neither was it really artistically done, but throughout Abattoir Season 1, and now for Abejoye Season 4, it’s much, much better, especially the technique of having dialogues off screen while other scenes are being shown. Likewise, the title display for Season 4 is epic in my opinion. The fire theme dominated the opening credits and the title reveal was welcomed by a lightning strike and thunder, with the Season’s subtitle coming soon after, streaking with sparks of the lightning.



It’s really interesting to watch the gradual changes in this story as it goes on. I didn’t think much of the Council of African Traditionalists after Season 3 but this season shows us how they are gradually disintegrating, slowly tearing one another apart, despite the fact that Olayiotan probably isn’t even thinking about them. I see Dr Edmond as an archetype of an evil man – smiles to you on the outside but really devious and unscrupulous on the inside. In any case, like the Scriptures say in 2 Chronicles 20:23, they helped to destroy one another.


I must commend the translation done for the dialogue; they accurately captured what was being said. However, it is quite important that these subtitles are gone over after the initial translation has been done; that’s the essence of proofreading – to ensure that the spellings, grammar and expression are in line with the rules of the target language.


So, after the huffing and puffing of Kinkin-yinun, she blows, but Baba Abejoye remains unshaken, and then she really starts getting scared. Baba soaks her into his detailed and innovative storytelling, creating a bit of humor along the line. Kinkin-yinun accepts Jesus into her life in a moment of despair, but something else graces our screens as we witness her baptism with the Holy Ghost. That was a great moment on TV for me.


It was good to now see Bamidele being more authoritative in Christ, taking his place as the head and priest of his home. Diwura’s parents fretted for her but nothing by any means hurt her, and I pray that nothing shall by any means hurt us either in Jesus name.


A truth that I’ve learnt from Kinkin-yinun’s life is that no matter how bad or messed up a life is, Jesus always brings newness; he restores our souls. No one should ever look down on themselves and think that they’re too far gone. Now, we’ve got three evangelists in Ajibogun and it turns out that Kinkin-yinun is a good storyteller like Baba. Gradually, Ajibogun is being won for Christ. The Obaojebolo family members with diabolical powers – Oluoje and KKY – have already come to the Lord’s side. It’s left to be seen the difference we all can make in our immediate environments.


Like Oganwo says in Episode 1, he is hell-bent on harming Baba Abejoye and he has chosen to do it physically this time. A preview of Episode 3 shows that he does hit Abejoye and Baba falls…What happens next? We’ll get to know when Episode 3 comes out on Jan 3, 2021 on DMB YouTube channel. My review for it will be posted a week from now, January 6, 2020.

I thank you all for being here with me through 2020; I wish you all a prosperous new year.

Stay blessed.

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