Reviewed By Ajibare Abioye
“Dark Moment” is a Christian drama series that has had successful streaming on Amazon and Tubi, and is now on YouTube for general coverage. Its first episode was released on June 4, and on this premiere’s evidence, I would say it promises to be a special one.
I liked its opening credits which were accompanied by a jazz-like (I think) titular song. Subsequently though, I’d suggest that its duration needn’t be as long as it was here, to avoid the movie dragging even before it starts.
The first couple of scenes in this premiere episode were a pleasant surprise to me. I thought I’d be in for a serious affair right away but I’ll give it to the director for making them amusing, steadily introducing us to the story’s world anchored by Bayo and Nike. This aspect of Set-up or the First Act in story crafting is sometimes missing in Christian films, consequently making such productions feel longer than they actually are. In simpler terms, they become boring.
The inciting incident in “Dark Moment” happens when a man who claims to have been ministered to by Bayo and his late General Overseer sends him 20 million naira. This sets in motion a string of unfolding in the person of Bayo and Nike. Nike’s contrastive response to her husband’s uprightness is alarming, and not long after, shifts Bayo out of his place of service for the first time. The aftermath of this is the unexpected, which we’ll get to know in Episode 2.
My takeaway from Episode 1 is what a minister, Andrew Wommack, once said, that success is a greater revealer of character than failure. How would we be when God answers all our prayers? I’d urge us all to check our hearts and ensure they’re always in a place of humble and reverent worship of God.
The link to the episode is
Till the next review, stay blessed!mo