
INTERVIEW: Criteria you must meet before inviting me to Film Location- Actress


Female Gospel Actor and Fashion Designer, Mosiko Remilekun Erinayo has revealed the criteria anyone must meet before inviting her to a film location. In this Exclusive Interview with Gospel Film News, Remilekun disclosed the benefit of having another source of income, amongst others. Excerpt:

Could you tell us about yourself and what you do for a living?

My name is Mosiko Remilekun Erinayo. I’m a Drama Minister, Fashion Designer, also work as a MakeUp Artist on set and sometimes a costumier.

Is the Fashion Designing business or profession not affecting the ministry?

It Is a business. At least it is not every time I will be on location, whenever i’m not on location, I do that to make money and keep body and soul together.

Do you think someone who doesn’t have any other sources of income, as a Drama Minister can succeed in this dispensation?

We have heard about our Fathers that had been in the ministry without other source of income, but it depends on what God is really saying to individuals. If God has called you to go fully into drama without having any other source of income, then let it be your way, but if God is not telling you to do that don’t do it. I think it’s not a bad idea to have another source of income that will not affect the ministry, so you can build a business independent of yourself so that you will be available most especially for ministry work.

As a Female Actor, what does it take to invite you to a film location?

Just invite naa ni. You can call, text, message, whatever, and then if it a time I’m available no problem, then we look at the script and see how it is.

So after the location, you won’t collect anything, you take God bless you?

(Giggles)…. If it is God bless you that God has laid on your heart to give, then God bless you too, but I will just say it’s not okay to actually take people for fun or granted. If you have, give! If you don’t have, let them know before you invite them, if they can work without being paid, fine.

What do you have to tell people who are looking up to you?

Well, what I will tell anyone that is looking up to me is ‘follow your vision,’ know what God is calling you to do, then develop yourself in that area of your calling. Get close to people of like minded and the Lord will see you through.

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