
“How to choose the right marriage partner” Part 5 by Gloria Bamiloye



We have been talking about the will of God in marriage and that it can only be revealed by God to you when you trust God because He knows what he wants to do with your life He created you for his own purpose. That is one of the major reason you can’t just marry anyone but God’s appointed woman or man for your life Another very important reason you must marry the will of God is to destroy the plan of the devil against God”s agenda for this end time.Romans 8:19 KJVS For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.We are in the end time.when the sons of God will manifest .God is raising up his children for the end time harvest . It was said in the book of Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:The spirit of God is being poured upon all flesh and our sons and daughter shall prophesy. They shall speak and minister the word of God in power to bring many souls to the kingdom . Young men will see vision ,visions of great assignments for the expansion of God’s kingdom. Our sons and daughters will become God’s mouth pieceThis. is already happening as young men and women are being called to do great exploits for God . Many of them are in various ministries using their gifts to bring souls to the kingdom The young men are not supposed to carry the vision alone ,they need helpers most specially the young women that God has prepared for them to marry .That is why it is important for them to discover their purpose and be determined to fulfill it.But the devil is always standing at this junction of marriage to lure them away from the will of God . He does this by planting some young women and men who are his agents to target those with great visionsTheir mission is to frustrate and confused them from fulfilling the purpose of God when they are married to them His plan is to hinder their manifestation and get their vision terminated as they get married to any of such people because they are vision killers..It is also important to know that some vision killers may not be agents of the devil, he or she may be ordinary christian who is not ready to support the vision you carry or may not be prepared for you. Whoever God will give you to marry must have been prepared by God for you . God who called you into the ministry will surely give you a helper . As God is preparing you for whatever he wants to do though you,,he is also preparing your helper of destiny, (the woman or man that will help you carry the vision) Anyone that will manifest God’s glory needs a vision carrier .That is why you cannot just marry anyone even when the person is born again. You must determine to marry 

a child of God that God has prepared and appointed for you. For instance, there are many young ladies in the family of Abraham but there was an appointed lady for Isaac to marry and that was what the servant of Abraham asked from God. Just like there are many children of God in the body of christ ,but you must ask God for whoever God has prepared for you.if you desire to fulfill your destiny in
peaceAre you sure the sister or brother you are engaged to presently can face the future with you?. He or She may be born again and tongue talking ,but can the person carry the vision with you . Are you convinced in your spirit the person is ready for the journey or only interested in the present glamour . Is the brother or sister you are about to marry have any interest in what you believe God is calling you to do. Think about this before you go further with the relationship.Jesus talked about whoever intends to build a house that he must be sure that he has enough to finish the.building Luke 14:28 KJVS[28] For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it ?It means in marriage you don’t use faith to marry someone or enter into a relationship you are not sure of God’s leading. This is because God sees beyond now,he sees your future When someone you are engaged to is against your vision or your strong desire to fulfill the purpose of God,, you need to go back to God and hear very wellA Times , HolySpirit may reveal the true condition of the person to you, he may not be sincere but has his own hidden agenda . You don’t use faith to still go ahead with such a person thinking you can easily managed the situation after wedding .
That is the way some people settle with people that has nothing to offer or contribute to their lives and ministries because they thought they can cope, they can handle whatever happen latter .
Can two walk together except they be agreed. Amos 3:3. Holyspirit will always speak because he is interested in your marriage partner more than you do. But many have ignored the check the holyspirit is given them .

When you begin to have some check in your spirit concerning the person you are engaged to or the person you intend to propose to, it is very important to wait upon the Lord for more light and be very sure before you go ahead. God may speak ones ,but you must keep hearing until you are sure of his leading Some young men and women have missed it and lost their moment of manifestation because of wrong marriage partners, While many young ladies with great potentials to carry great vision of God have released their glorious crown to some visionless men.The time of manifestation is now ,and God is about to manifest his sons. They will do great exploits ,they will be strong ,they will fly and run because God will work wonders through them. Marriage should not be a stumbling block to your manifestation if you wait patiently for God.,because if you marry outside the will of God, the plan of God for your life may be hinderedLET US PRAY Father Lord. We pray for all our young men and women of vision that they will not fall into the hands of vision killers . They will not be deceived by the agents of the devil ,they will not fall into the hand of Delilah who will scrape their anointing Every plan of the enemy to confused our singles brothers and sisters is destroyed in Jesus name If anyone is wrongly attached among them already ,we stop such union or relationship in the name of Jesus For the sake of the vision. and for the sake of. the souls that are attach to their vision. and for the sake of your glorious plans for them this end time. . Please arise and put an end to any union that is not from you in jesus name. We send back to sender every arrow of confusion the enemy is sending to them. In the name of Jesus.For all the marriageable. brothers and sisters. Father ,settle them now in Jesus name .Open the eyes of your sons to see and discover your will for their lives Let your daughters be found by the right men
you will not make mistake You will not fall into wrong hands The Lord will settle you and give you a sure house in Jesus name . Amen

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3 thoughts on ““How to choose the right marriage partner” Part 5 by Gloria Bamiloye

  1. More anointing, more wisdom to the family of the Great Evangelist Mike Bamiloye. Baba and Mama the Lord will continue to use your family greatly for this generation. I decree, as your family had started well, they’ll surely end it well in Jesus name.

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