Generating The Needed Energy For Gospel Drama Works by Kingsley Nwachukwu

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By Kingsley Nwachukwu

Generating The Needed Energy For Gospel Drama Works by Pst Kingsley Nwachukwu.

” If you FAINT ( die, disappear or become irrelevant) in the day of ADVERSITY ( challenges of all sorts), your STRENGTH is small” Prov 24: 10.

No matter your area of PRIMARY POSTING (MOTIVATION, PRODUCTION or DISTRIBUTION–MPD) in drama and film ministry, there are days of ADVERSITY. Days when Heaven may seem silent. Days when you may begin to wonder if you are truly called. Your WINNING POINT in such trying time is the QUANTITY and QUALITY of ENERGY within your disposal and your willingness to block all LEAKING PIPES in your reservoir.

As applicable in mathematical equation where plus one minus one is equivalent to zero level, every leaking pipe has the capacity to render a drama minister a non-existence.
Prominent among these pipes are:
Any intentional DISREGARD for the PRESENCE and PRINCIPLE of GOD on any area of life and ministry, is SIN. Unfortunately, SIN is a CANCER that spares no one in her boat. If not today, DEFINITELY TOMORROW. No matter what GOD has spoken to you, kindly keep to your own ROLE. He will do it as when due. There were things GOD spoke to me between 1993 and 1997. I thought there will manifest soonest. I just started seeing them fifteen years after. Kindly stick to his RULES (as much as it is within your strength). INTENTIONAL DISOBEDIENCE will drain every energy of a minister; no matter the quality and quantity of OIL on his head ( Isaiah 1: 19).

Monitor every RELATION in your SHIP ( RELATIONSHIP). Each relation is either ENCOURAGING or DISCOURAGING you. Beware of people that sap your EMOTIONAL STRENGTH. WHAT happens in your INSIDE affects your outward performance. Why do you attach yourself to people who do not believe in your MANDATE ? WHERE and WHO do you spend most of your time? Define the scopes and boundaries of all relationships you can remember.

In as much as you are encouraged to be DILIGENT and press towards the PRIZE, be equally encouraged to shun UNHEALTHY COMPETITION with every co-worker. Resist every spirit of ENVY, JEALOUSY and NEGATIVE REMARKS of your co-workers. They are human like you. Do not allow any of their so-called SUCCESS to put under undue PRESSURE ….to the extent of breaking RULES and losing your PEACE. Remember some are given FIVE, others are given TWO and ONE TALENT. What GOD expects from each servant is FAITHFULNESS and WISDOM in service. Mind your own ROLE. Earthly awards end on earth!

The core energy-booster of any ministry is the HOLY SPIRIT. He is one always AVAILABLE to ensure we are not CONFUSED or CAGED by the enemy against our purpose of existence.
To enjoy this ENERGY therefore, we must be willing to:
” This BOOK of the law shall not depart out of thy MOUTH ( Confessional Prayer); but thou shalt MEDITATE therein ( Thinking) day and nite, that thou mayest observe to do according…. ”
Joshua 1:8
Confessional prayers and high level meditation of God’s principles and testimonies are great energy-booster in this kingdom.
As we keep BEHOLDING Him, we are changed from one degree of GLORY ( revelational experience and exploits) to another HIGHER LEVEL ( 2 Cor. 3:18).

Drama ministry is a pictorial ministry. You cannot enjoy its dynamism and beauty without taking to PICTURES. According to Eric Moore, a good actor watches other good actors; not to imitate but beat them. Your ministry is different from that of the pulpit. The latter has an already established, stand-by audience. Your DRIVES ( even though, both are godly) are DIFFERENT. Your need GLOBAL VIEW approach to the assignment. Your ministry tools are EVER-DYNAMIC with counterpart operators at the other side. You ought to be conversant with related activities and productions, movie-theatres, prominent movie trailers, live recorded productions, teasers, behind the scene footages, facebook and instagram of prominent stakeholders per time ( Ecclesiastes 1:8)!

In the journey of life fulfilment, appropriate FRIENDSHIP is a KEY.
As evil communication corrupts good manner, so do wrong friendship drain anointing for great ministry and ministerial exploits.
FOLLOW PEOPLE who are only FOLLOWING CHRIST ( 1 Cor. 11:1).
Swiftly change a friend who is no more in your LANE of destination. Shun sentiment and emotion. It is your SOUL at stake!
What shall it profit you if you earn all AWARDS, INFLUENCE and AFFLUENCE, and end in hell fire? What shall it profit you if you encircle yourself with DISCOURAGING FRIENDS and RELATIONS who drain your spiritual, financial, physical and emotional strength in this time of the DAY? Certainly, the Nite is coming when no man shall work. Let us be guided!
Pst Kingsley Nwachukwu
Golden Exposures, Enugu, Nigeria.

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